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FloorPlan as an IntelliJ Plugin

FloorPlan has a (incubating) plug-in for IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform (IDEA, Android Studio, AppCode, CLion, etc.)

The plug-in will scan the file system for FloorPlan's output files and display them as a gutter action in the IDEA sidebar for extra discoverability and easy access.

FloorPlan IntelliJ plug-in

Download and install

Given the incubating nature of the plugin, it is not distributed through JetBrains plug-in repository. Download the plug-in zip file and follow the 'instalation from disk' steps.


The source code is available in the :floorplan-intellij-plugin module. It relies on Gradle and the intellij DevKit to manipulate the PSI tree.

Deploy an artifact for local debugging with ./gradlew runIde.

For manual distribution or local installation, invoke gradlew buildPlugin target to create the plugin distribution. The resulting JAR/ZIP is located in build/distributions and can then be installed.