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FloorPlan & SQLDelight

In order to use SQLDelight schemas as input to FloorPlan, make sure you are on a recent version of library (>=1.0).

When applying SQLDelight's Gradle plugin, specify the following gradle extension to configure it to output .db files.

sqldelight {
    <databaseName> {
        packageName = "<fully qualified package name to where the database is generated>"
        schemaOutputDirectory = file("<output directory for the db file>")

Once done, running ./gradlew <module>:tasks will uncover a generateSchema gradle task per build type (usually debug, release, etc.).

./gradlew generate<buildType><projectName>Schema

will output a .db file can be used as an input to FloorPlan, via its CLI or Gradle Plugin interfaces.


Read more about SQLDelight's configuration on the project's website.